
This service returns a list of geoatlas datasources.


Notices: Call to this service requires at lest version 2 of the API. See Versioning on how to do achive this.

Comon parameters

Name Descrition
GeoAreaId Id'et på GeoArea. Se Geo Area for mere information. Only required in version 3 of the api
Datalistid The id of the list of the datasource. See available id

Notices: Parameter Names are not case sensitive.

Notices: This service supports getting the resource in different languages, see languages for more info.


The service supports the following datalistids:

DatalistId Listname Descrition Fields Additional parameters
1 BoreholeDataSource List of borehole datasources
  • Id: The id of the geodatasource. Number
  • Name: The name of the geodatasource. String
  • ShortName: A short version of the name. String
  • Color: The color of the geodatasource in hex. Ex: #0000ff for blue. String
  • Description: A description of the datasource, in the chosen language. String
2 Waterworks compoundgroups List of waterworks compoundgroups
  • CompoundGroupNumber: The id of the compoundgroup. Number
  • Name: The name of the compoundgroup. String
  • SortOrder: The order the group should be sorted in. Number
3 Compounds List of compounds depending of the source param (Requires the GeoLayer maplayer permission)
  • Id: The id of the compound. Number
  • Name: The name of the compound. String
  • SortOrder: The order the group should be sorted in. Number
  • CompoundGroupNo: The compoundgroup the compound are connected to. Number
  • IsWater (only when source = envsamples): Is the compound availalble in water. Boolean
  • IsAir (only when source = envsamples): Is the compound availalble in air. Boolean
  • IsSoil (only when source = envsamples): Is the compound availalble in soil. Boolean
  • Limit: The max number of items to return. Number. Default 3000.
  • CompoundGroup: Limit the result to a specific comoundgroup. Number: Default: -1 (none)
  • Source: The source to retrive compounds from.
    • envsamples: Retrive data for compound from EnvSamples database
    • default: Retrive data for compound from Geo database
4 Compoundgroups List of compoundgroups depending of the source param (Requires the GeoLayer maplayer permission)
  • Id: The id of the compoundroup. Number
  • Name: The name of the compoundroup. String
  • SortOrder: The order the compoundroup should be sorted in. Number
  • IsWater (only when source = envsamples): Is the compoundgroup availalble in water. Boolean
  • IsAir (only when source = envsamples): Is the compoundgroup availalble in air. Boolean
  • IsSoil (only when source = envsamples): Is the compoundgroup availalble in soil. Boolean
  • Source: The source to retrive compoundroups from.
    • envsamples: Retrive data for compoundroup from EnvSamples database
    • default: Retrive data for compoundroup from Geo database
5 EnvironmentalSamples color List of color for the environmental samples items (Requires the EnvSample maplayer permission)
  • Id: The id of the compoundroup. Number
  • ColorType: The type of color in hex color. Enum
    • PercentExceedLimitValue: Get the color for procent values
    • Decade: Gert the color decade coloring
    • AskPercentExceedLimitValue: Represent the ask AskPercentExceed coloring
  • MinInterval: The min interval to start use the color. Number
  • MaxInterval: The min interval to start use the color. Number
  • Style: The hex color in RGB. String
  • LimitText: A text description for the limit. String
6 EnvironmentalSamples info List of info for the samples (Requires the EnvSample maplayer permission)
  • CompoundNo: The compoundno which this environment belongsto. Number
  • Name: The name of the evarioment sample. string
  • UnitAndLimitInfo: Info about the compounds limit and unit. Class
    • CompoundNo: The compoundno with this environment belongsto. Number
    • CompoundName: The name compound which this environment belongsto. Number
    • Limit: The limit in text format. String
    • MediumId: The id of the medium (water, air or soil). Number
    • MediumName: The name of the medium (water, air or soil). String
    • ValueMin: The limits min value. Number
    • ValueMax: The limits max value. Number
    • UnitId: The id of the unit. Number
    • UnitName: The name of the unit. String
  • CompoundId: The id of the envarioment stamle. Number
  • Media: The id of the envarioment samle. One of water, air or soil. String


The service returns a list for the requested datasource.


  • 400 Bad Request
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • 500 Internal Server Error


Returns (danish):

                    "Description":"En boring fra GEO"

Or in english:


                    "Description":"Boreholes from GEO"